Infographic shows electronic cigarettes help control nicotine cravings

Electronic Cigarette Users Unite to Send a Powerful Message to MEPs

Secondhand smoke also accounts for another 10 percent of deaths due to the vapors being inhaled from cigarettes by others. These deaths and other related illnesses from cigarette smoke has caused over $10 billion in medical expenses. The electronic cigarettes have continued to grow in popularity. the e-cigarettes are known as electronic devices that emit nicotine vapor. The e-cigs do not contain any harmful additives and are not considered harmful to non-users.
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Electronic cigarettes could hit BAT and Imperial Tobacco harder than expected, say analysts

Although the e-cigarette market is likely to grow gradually, they believe a decline in tobacco could come more quickly than expected. Canaccord’s Eddy Hargreaves and Alicia Forry said: We think electronic cigarettes will prove to be the most significant development in the history of the organised Tobacco industry, stretching back some 200 years. We expect consumers worldwide to migrate from tobacco smoking to e-cigarettes at an accelerating rate through 2020. We estimate the e-cigarette market will grow from $2bn in 2012 to $3bn in 2013 (tobacco is approximately $700bn). In the longer term, the total combined market will shrink at a more rapid rate than most investors envisage as e-cigarettes wean smokers off tobacco, but do not attract new users into the overall category. Winners and losers will emerge, but are hard to predict at this relatively early stage in e-cigarettes’ development, and there will be margin pressure in the short term across the board as companies race for share.
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Christine Prody and O.J. Simpson

Ralf K an e-cigarette user from Germany said, “Many of us have tried numerous times to quit smoking using conventional nicotine replacement therapies and have failed, however with e-cigarettes we have all cut down our smoking or stopped completely. Without anyone in the professional public health field doing anything and without spending any public money, smokers like us have been quitting, switching, and cutting down through the use of e-cigarettes. This is something that should be celebrated not a cause for concern.” E-cigarettes are however not some form of more effective nicotine replacement therapy, they are totally different. E-cigarettes deliver clean nicotine — without the tar, carbon monoxide, and volatile hot gases of cigarettes — and as a way of taking nicotine they are pretty near harmless to health.
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